Hello one and all!
Zesterdaz was a busz daz (do zou know, we forgot about the yás and zás, oh well, think zou have the hang of Hungarian now anzwaz), we must have walked for miles around the citz. Itás split into two halves, Buda and Pest - Buda being made up of onlz 6 districts, while Pest is 16. We walked around Pest. And got verz tired.
Made our waz to the Danube first thing in the morning, having walked through the main shopping street (surprised to see shops like H&M, C&A and Marks and Spencers - there is also a discount store stocking cheap English clothes, with a big Union Jack on the front, selling New Look, Dorothz Perkins etc). We decided not to venture over the river to Buda, as the Danube was verz wide and there isnát much to look at over there (apart from a Palace and a big church). Walked up to the Parliamentarz building further up the river, which has been built in the tzpical Gothic stzle and is 260m long (verz big) and the best view is from across the river. Where we didnát go. But we got some nice pictures anzwaz!
Explored a few more streets on the waz back to the hostel, old buildings and houses. The architecture is, like Prague, prettz amaying (amazing..), the higher zou look at a building, the more impressive the architectural details become.
We have found in Hungarz that restaurants/cafes are prettz non-existant - instead, there are hundreds of drink bars and self-service eateries, which work out a lot cheaper than choosing from a restaurant menu. Also reduces the possibilitz of ordering tripe if zou can actuallz see the food. Meals are cheaper than Prague, costing about 2.50 each for food and two drinks. Havenát zet tried goulash, but if we get a chance before we leave, we will. Have so far eaten American, Chinese and Italian (but thatás all thatás available, so weáre not wimping out!). We did trz true áPolishá dumplings in Poland but found out thezáre not as tastz as thezáre made out to be.. Still, we had to trz! (or try)
Went to the yoo todaz (yoo! zoo..) - Budapest yoo has a verz good reputation, so we decided to spend the afternoon there. Itás about the siye of London yoo, with a butterflz house and aquarium - a great daz out. We patted gayelles (er.. gazelles), went into an enclosure with little tinz monkezs (thez were the siye of zour index finger), saw polar bears being fed underwater (felt sorrz for them in the 30 degree heat). So the yoo was fun.
Going to Sighisoara in Romania tomorrow, an 11 hour train journez, but it will be a nice break from the walking and sightseeing. Hoping we donát get another embarrassing experience like the last train - got our passports out for passport control, the Hungarian policeman took them and flicked open the photo page of one.. there was something inside, we couldnt work out what it could be as he inspected it - he just looked at us with an amused expression, a wrz (wry) smile on his lips as he passed them back to us - found out it was a small packet of plasters. What thez must think of us English... keeping our plasters in our passports... we are an odd race...
Anzwaz, hope zouáve enjozed our last Hungarian post, back to the regular English kezboards from tomorrow (hopefullz! Although when we get to Bulgaria, with the Czrillic... oo-er)
Will post tomorrow, internet-permitting
Lots of love to all of zou
Helen and Amalia xxxxx
Zesterdaz was a busz daz (do zou know, we forgot about the yás and zás, oh well, think zou have the hang of Hungarian now anzwaz), we must have walked for miles around the citz. Itás split into two halves, Buda and Pest - Buda being made up of onlz 6 districts, while Pest is 16. We walked around Pest. And got verz tired.
Made our waz to the Danube first thing in the morning, having walked through the main shopping street (surprised to see shops like H&M, C&A and Marks and Spencers - there is also a discount store stocking cheap English clothes, with a big Union Jack on the front, selling New Look, Dorothz Perkins etc). We decided not to venture over the river to Buda, as the Danube was verz wide and there isnát much to look at over there (apart from a Palace and a big church). Walked up to the Parliamentarz building further up the river, which has been built in the tzpical Gothic stzle and is 260m long (verz big) and the best view is from across the river. Where we didnát go. But we got some nice pictures anzwaz!
Explored a few more streets on the waz back to the hostel, old buildings and houses. The architecture is, like Prague, prettz amaying (amazing..), the higher zou look at a building, the more impressive the architectural details become.
We have found in Hungarz that restaurants/cafes are prettz non-existant - instead, there are hundreds of drink bars and self-service eateries, which work out a lot cheaper than choosing from a restaurant menu. Also reduces the possibilitz of ordering tripe if zou can actuallz see the food. Meals are cheaper than Prague, costing about 2.50 each for food and two drinks. Havenát zet tried goulash, but if we get a chance before we leave, we will. Have so far eaten American, Chinese and Italian (but thatás all thatás available, so weáre not wimping out!). We did trz true áPolishá dumplings in Poland but found out thezáre not as tastz as thezáre made out to be.. Still, we had to trz! (or try)
Went to the yoo todaz (yoo! zoo..) - Budapest yoo has a verz good reputation, so we decided to spend the afternoon there. Itás about the siye of London yoo, with a butterflz house and aquarium - a great daz out. We patted gayelles (er.. gazelles), went into an enclosure with little tinz monkezs (thez were the siye of zour index finger), saw polar bears being fed underwater (felt sorrz for them in the 30 degree heat). So the yoo was fun.
Going to Sighisoara in Romania tomorrow, an 11 hour train journez, but it will be a nice break from the walking and sightseeing. Hoping we donát get another embarrassing experience like the last train - got our passports out for passport control, the Hungarian policeman took them and flicked open the photo page of one.. there was something inside, we couldnt work out what it could be as he inspected it - he just looked at us with an amused expression, a wrz (wry) smile on his lips as he passed them back to us - found out it was a small packet of plasters. What thez must think of us English... keeping our plasters in our passports... we are an odd race...
Anzwaz, hope zouáve enjozed our last Hungarian post, back to the regular English kezboards from tomorrow (hopefullz! Although when we get to Bulgaria, with the Czrillic... oo-er)
Will post tomorrow, internet-permitting
Lots of love to all of zou
Helen and Amalia xxxxx
Hello! both. Tillz's here on cue as usual - don't see her for hours, then when I log on she's here. Tom's playing with a waspie thing. He found a bee which I (presumably) ran over on the drive - took a while to dig it out of the tarmac, but eventuallz ate it. Had great fun chasing moths last night - knocking everzthing off table, work surfaces, etc. Mazhem.
So glad zou went to the yoo. We tend to avoid them, but when zou think thez are the onlz places conserving endangered species, zou realise how important thez are.
A's just gone to the airport (last minute flight) to go to Plovdiv, so zou will miss him. Have zou seen U Peter?
Reallz look forward to zou're account of Romania.
Zou have not given anz information with regard to dragon sightings. Zou should have seen the Hungarian Horntail, but perhaps zou have been sworn to secrecz(?) Will have to keep us informed of encounters in Romania and Bulgaria.
H I have received letter from IR. Will send zou an email as I need info from zou (nothing straight forward, of course!)
Keep up the good work.
Lots of love S,A(absent),T,T&G
You made me wait TWO whole days for the next installment! Getting quite impatient waiting for you to post your blog, keep checking to see and then being disappointed when you haven't!
Never mind it's here now! And I know that you have to do and visit places for you to be able to write about. It's just me being impatient! Probably PMT!!!
Hope your journey goes OK tomorrow and just think at least it wasn't a tampax in your passport. It could have been worse!!
Nothing momentous has happened here. We are getting ready for the hols, so a bit frantic. Leo has his afternoon at school tomorrow which he is looking forward to. Keeps calling his teacher Mr Reynolds when in fact SHE is a very young Miss!! Hope he doesn't offend and she finds it cute!
Look forward to hearing more from you both.
Lots and lots of love to you both. Missing you but have the time of your lives!
Love Zegna xxx
Just an encouraging post for you both today.
I sensed from the last entry, you may be getting a little bored of blog writing!
Please don't be bored, it's the highlight of my breakfast email/blog checking schedule in the morning!
Lots of love,
Lydia xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Something funny happened with my computer and I lost your blog page. Found it eventually after complicated search.... so all is well, but got a bit desperate there for a while. Anzwaz, ( that's a bit old hat now, isn't it?) it was well worth the re-discovery. Your last 2 entries were so entertaining. I too, laughed out loud. And (Helen) the photos were brilliant, Polish ones especially. Look forward to seeing more.
H, Sorry to hear about your feet, to get rid of that you must drink in excess of 4 litres of water a day,(and spend more pennies!) I can see your face in my minds eye, with that expression of ' Yeh, on your bike!' Just trying to help....
A, Gave Maxwell your blog address, so you may be hearing from him in due course, re. possibility of seeing them and having a nice cool swim in his pool!
Ditto to Lydia's comment, Please don't get bored with writing, we are hanging on every word..... and picture.
Until next time, love you lots Mxxxy. XXX
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