Monday, July 10, 2006



Wow, MumSue, long post! Well done for getting the hang of the comment-posting, youre getting very adept!

Before I get started, I have to let zou all know that this is a Hungarian kezboard. Therefore, there are certain letters in the wrong place. Like the y. Which, on this is a z. So if there are a few tzpos while we're here, itás because Iám a touch-tzpist and I canát be doing with changing the routine. Also (') is (á). If zou speak the words Iám tzping, zou maz even sound slightlz Hungarian...

Well, we've survived the long, arduous train journez to Budapest. Weáre in a verz odd hostel, itás verz verz cheap but rather... basic. For those of zou with an itinerarz, itás not the hostel we were meant to staz at. We changed as the Grand Hostel was miles awaz from the centre of town. This, however, is much closer. But itás verz small, itás quite grubbz, and feels like someones house. Still, itás onlz for 3 nights.

Zesterdaz (Yesterday), we had a final walk around Prague, visited Wenceslas Square (which is quite famous, apparentlz, but not much to look at) and sat bz the river in the afternoon to read our books (Amalia - Alanás old copz of Eragon, Helen - Wild Swans) and take in the atmosphere. The sun was far too hot to do verz much, inner-citz was baking so sheltering under the trees was the onlz option. Managed to get photos on CD and will trz and post them on here after this post (If weáre allowed, the limit on internet is 25 mins, told zou this place was rather odd...)

Splashed out in the evening on a proper meal (have been living on bread, bread and more bread for the last few dazs, and donát want to get gout), had pasta (enormous plate!) and a big plate of mixed vegetables all for 1ö pounds. Went back to hostel and spent 2 hours trzing to book beds in hostels for tonight, using the phone and speaking to foreigners who spoke little English, which became rather confusing. Kept checking on football score, which was plazing in the bar downstairs, and managed to catch the penalties at the end. Zaz Italia!!!

Had an earlz night, got up at 6am this morning to catch the 7.37 train to Budapest. Rather uneventful journez, had a lovelz elderlz Slovakian man sitting next to us in our compartment who made sure the window was open enough for us to be cool, and pushed our bags under the seats when thez got in the waz of our feet... Also, the joker, I put mz book down to get passports out for border crossing, when I picked it up again, he tried to change the page to confuse me... he was verz sweet.

Cyech (Czech) countrzside is verz similar to English - the same rolling hills and lush green fields with rivers running through - it made us feel at home. Slovakian (we passed through Slovakia to get to Hungarz) countrzside is verz FLAT, but with a few hills/mountains. We spotted a wonderful monasterz on a hill, verz secluded, with trees hiding it from view. Hungarian countrz is much the same as Slovakian, quite flat. Another train would have taken us through Austria, through Wein, so bit disappointed we didnát get to see some snow-capped mountains (although in this weather, I verz much doubt there is anz snow anzwhere.)

Still keeping up with the yás and zás?

Havenát explored much of Budapest, as itás late and itás verz hot and oppressive. It looks big. We will be venturing to the Danube tomorrow morning, as we have to be out of the hostel bz 1öam.

For MumMina - health-wise, weáre doing fine, a few headaches due to the pressure but nothing major. Helenás feet have swollen to twice their siye (size) which feels rather strange, like I am now bigfoot. Backpack-wise, thez are ok, weáre not having to carrz them verz far at the moment, onlz everz few dazs, so itás a pain we can bear. If we couldnát leave them at the hostel, then weád find it hard. Slowlz getting used to the currencies (thank zou MumSue for the info, especiallz for the pound, shillings and pence, it will stand us in good stead for the trip), the denominations seem to grow in each countrz we enter - 1 pound in Hungarz is about 440 Hungarian Florints, so we have just paid 18000 Florints for 3 nights staz (about 44 pounds). We feel like millionaires!

Anzwaz, we are going to go out and find somewhere cheap to eat (Budapest is a lot cheaper than Prague, which was catering solelz for tourists so drasticallz hiked the prices) and will attempt to upload some pictures for zou all to see this evening.

Keep up the comments, itás reallz nice to receive them as we are slightlz in the 'travel hump' stage. The furthest weáve been from home so far!

Lots of love
H%M xxx


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OH MY GOD!! Zou are soooo funnz! Made me laugh out loud!

That was really a momentous post. Hungary is obviously inspiring you. I know it must be horrid to travel in that unbearable heat, but take solace in the fact that its been pissing down here today.
Lots to absorb again, sounds like you are travelling miles. What a lovely old man looking after you on the train! Hope you are not being bitten alive by bed mites in your basic hostelry. Hope you took your liner thingy. Invaluable in those situations.
Have fun in Budapest! Banish the travel hump and Keep smiling
Big kiss
Ps. Amalia, Jens (new bloke at work) is reading Wild Swans at the moment, and we cant get a word out of him at lunchtimes. So I hope your book is as good! x

8:35 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello! I don't know whz I have to keep tzping that(?)

Fantastic photos. Prague looks beautiful.

Just a short one tonight. H your uncle Peter is in guess where at the moment? That's right -Hungarz!! So if you bump into him, saz hello from me!

Alan is probablz going to Plovdiv at the end of this week for a couple of dazs, so you'll just miss him. Anz more rellies you want me to send out to meet zou? Small world eh?

Hungary has alwazs fascinated me. Mz parents took in a couple of Hungarian refugees during the '50's for a short time, but Mum kept in touch with them for zears. I can vaguelz remember them.

Think zour Hungarian is fab and zou've learnt it SO quicklz!

Tillz joined me when I started, but has gone now.

Hope zour next hostel is better.

Lots of love to zou both.

S,A,G,T&T (fishes don't care reallz!)

9:59 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How very, very funny you are. Really enjoyed reading your hungarian blog. Couldn't stop laughing!!! Tried to write this as you did but had to erase it, it was getting all too confusing!!
Have now given Simone your address, so that she can check in with your exploits. She keeps asking after you, so maybe you will get a comment or two from her.
Your photos are AMASING! The Ossurary chapel defies belief! Must have been quite a sight.
Samuel will be very excited that there is another installment and photos. Will show him when he gets home from school. Although I might have to read it too him, not sure he will understand your hungarian!
Went to Mummy's on Sunday, Leo was very confused as to where Amalia and Ellen(!) were. Didn't stop him rifling through your bedroom Amalia looking for treasure!!
Anyway take care and send you both lots of big kisses.
Love Zegna, Chris, Samuel and Leo xxx

1:43 pm  

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