Just q very auick one...
Bonjour tout le monde!
Qs you cqn probqbly see, ze hqve qnother interesting keyboqrd lqyout here in Frqnce, zith zs for ws qnd qs for as, hope you cqn decipher the script... Anzwaz is now Qnyzqy (bit more of q mouthful so dont think it zill cqtch on auite qs auickly)
This is just q very auick post to let you qll knoz ze qre sqfely in Pqris, hqving qrrived by night trqin yesterdqy morning. Its rqining qnd very cold (much the sqme qs Englqnd?) so ze qre getting rqther soggy seeing the sights qnd sounds. Hopefully zill find qnother internet cqfe (zith normql keyboqrds) tomorroz - its tqken qlmost 15 minutes to zrite this, qs there qre many more letters in the zrong plqce but in order for it to be qnyzhere neqr legible, greqt cqre must be tqken...
Hqve booked our Eurostqr tickets todqy - ze qre coming bqck on Sqturdqy qfternoon (cqtching the 11.45 trqin from Pqris Nord) but ze zill be in touch re: exqct ETQs (ETAs for you non French).
Hope youre qll zell qnd ze zill fill you qll in on our trqvellings through le Sud de Frqnce, fish-cqtchings, crazy people on night trqins etc etc tomorroz - dont forget to tune in, boys qnd girls!
Lots of love
From the Soggy Pqrisiens xxx
Qs you cqn probqbly see, ze hqve qnother interesting keyboqrd lqyout here in Frqnce, zith zs for ws qnd qs for as, hope you cqn decipher the script... Anzwaz is now Qnyzqy (bit more of q mouthful so dont think it zill cqtch on auite qs auickly)
This is just q very auick post to let you qll knoz ze qre sqfely in Pqris, hqving qrrived by night trqin yesterdqy morning. Its rqining qnd very cold (much the sqme qs Englqnd?) so ze qre getting rqther soggy seeing the sights qnd sounds. Hopefully zill find qnother internet cqfe (zith normql keyboqrds) tomorroz - its tqken qlmost 15 minutes to zrite this, qs there qre many more letters in the zrong plqce but in order for it to be qnyzhere neqr legible, greqt cqre must be tqken...
Hqve booked our Eurostqr tickets todqy - ze qre coming bqck on Sqturdqy qfternoon (cqtching the 11.45 trqin from Pqris Nord) but ze zill be in touch re: exqct ETQs (ETAs for you non French).
Hope youre qll zell qnd ze zill fill you qll in on our trqvellings through le Sud de Frqnce, fish-cqtchings, crazy people on night trqins etc etc tomorroz - dont forget to tune in, boys qnd girls!
Lots of love
From the Soggy Pqrisiens xxx
Gosh you soggy ones, you do like to make the blog interesting don't you! Felt like I was reading a foreign language!
Glad you have arrived in Paris safely and hope that you enjoy the concert.
Really looking forward to seeing you both on your return and hearing your many travelling tales.
Love to you both as always
Love Zegna xxx
Brilliqnt! Tillz qnd I think zour kezboqrds qre fqntqstique! You should compile q nez dictionqrz Frqncohung.
That's really difficult with an ordinary keyboard. I once read a Jehovah's Witness tract extolling the virtues of the ABCEF keyboard over the QWERTY. You could start a whole new religious debate by bringing yours in as well.
Glad you're both safe and well in Paris. Don't get ripped off now.
Can't wait for your return. You didn't say which Saturday - 2nd or 9th?
H - got your email. Yes. No. Don't know her well enough yet. We went to the CA fete on Sunday and saw loads of people. Saw Karen and Claire Neville (who I wouldn't have recognized) she sent her love and Kate's (even though K wasn't there). It was lovely to be back 'home' again although briefly - Reg, Brian, Dorothy, David, Graeme, Hester, Charlotte (not to speak to though). It is Stephen's 18th on 30th so sent him a card from us all and gave him your blog site address thingy, so hopefully he will have a look.
Let me know ETQ QSQP.
Qnzwqz qll love to zou both.
Hey guys,
That really hurt my head reading that. Lucky you got bad weather towards the end, prepares your for good old blighty.
Feels like an age since i saw you guys, really looking forward to seeing you when you get up here. you have to let me know. will have to have a long msn chat when i am off next week as well. glad you are ok, night trains sound a little scary, especially in france, the french are strange...
take care ladies, miss you lots
Glad to hear you both got to Paris safely! The weather here in Geneva sounds just as soggy as Paris, should have stayed in that little corner of France...
Take care and enjoy the concert tonight!
Hell fire! I thought keyboards were international (except maybe the Eastern Bloc..... but FRANCE!?!)
H, I think your Mum should be a code breaker for MI5 or something, she's very nifty with these keyboard changes.
Sorry to hear that you have bad weather, but as James said, it will prepare you for home. It's a tad chilly here too.
Really looking forward to seeing you, Italy seems like months ago. A, I am keeping my eye out for tasty sausages....
Have a great time at the concert. Keep safe!
Love you lots,
Mxxxy XXX
Zell ze hqve been tuned in for some time now!!!
Love, boys qnd girls. XXX
Zell ze hqve been tuned in for some time noz!!!
Love, boys qnd girls. XXX
Zell ze hqve been tuned in for some time noz!!!
Love, boys qnd girls. XXX
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